Rhythm Magazine Article

I am very fortunate to have an article published in Rhythm Magazine (July 2013). It’s focus is on ‘How To Practise Drums‘ which takes ideas from the second book of the same name. I’ve been a reader of the magazine since I started drumming and look forward to reading it every month. Having it come through the door with my words and ideas in it was amazing.

Below are some images taken from the issue I feature in. Not only did they publish my article but they also list me as one of “this month’s experts” at the start of the magazine. This was more than I was expecting and just goes to show that anything is possible. I never thought I’d ever find myself writing an article let alone getting it published.This Months Experts

Here is the start of the article. They did a great job with the layout and chose a really eye catching colour.


If you are interested in picking up a copy of the issue I feature in then check out these links.


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